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  • Nicole Avery

Breastfeeding: One Momma's Opinion

As a mother that breastfeed, both of my children, this is a topic, for which I am extremely passionate. In the United States, there has been a push for mothers to breastfeed their child to the age of 12 months. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has started to track breastfeeding data. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infant be exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months of life.

Although the numbers for breastfeeding has increase in the United States, it still ranks poorly when compared with other developed countries. In Norway, approximately 99% of new mothers breastfeed, with 70% exclusively doing so for 3 months (Manes, 2016). This could be in part, because of the amount of paid maternity leave that mothers are given. In Norway, mothers can take 36 weeks off with full pay or 46 weeks with 80 percent pay (Manes, 2016). According to, “The United States is the only high-income country to not offer paid maternity leave on a federal level, each state decides for themselves. Paid leave is guaranteed in 178 countries, The United States not being one of them” (Froese, 2016).

In my opinion, this is the number one reason that more women in the United States does not breastfeed, either exclusively or at all. With federally mandated paid maternity leave, I believe that it would allow the new mother the time needed to establish a healthy milk flow with their child. The added benefits for the leave being paid would reduce the financial strain and stress of having to return to work sooner.

As I continue with my education, child and family advocacy has become increasingly important to me. My plan to be a voice for children and their families becomes more urgent. The basic fundamental needs of families needs to be addresses a the basic level. We need to change our prospective from its capitalistic views to ones that focus on our greatest future resource...our child. However, if the dollar drives your bottom line Gabrielle Palmer said it best. "If a multinational company developed a product that was a nutritionally balanced and delicious food, a wonder drug that both prevented and treated disease, cost almost nothing to produce and could be delivered in quantities controlled by the consumers' needs, the very announcement of their find would send their shares rocketing to the top of the stock market. The scientists who developed the product would win prizes and the wealth and influence of everyone involved would increase dramatically. Women have been producing such a miraculous substance, breastmilk, since the beginning of human existence."

My husband and I made the decision for me take an extended leave of absent from my job for many reasons, but one was so that I would be able to establish a strong breast-feeding routine for our children. This decision was not without sacrifice. We chose to live off one income while I was pregnant, putting aside my income to offset any bills while I would be out of work. While my husband’s income was enough to cover our bills and then some. We wanted to make sure that we had an additional nest egg in the event of any unexpected bills. Having this plan in place I was able to nurse my daughter for 13 months. The United States needs to do better and pass a law for paid federally mandated maternity and paternity leave.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, November 4). Why It Matters. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Froese, M. (2016, October 19). Maternity Leave in the United States: Facts You Need to Know. Healthline.

Manes, Y. (2016, September 16). What Is Breastfeeding Like In Other Countries? A Look At 6 Places Around The World. Romper.

Santhanam, L. (2018, July 11). Where does the United States stand on breastfeeding? PBS.


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