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  • Nicole Avery

Family Web

My family has always played a huge role in my life. This photo is a small representation of some of the most influential people my life.

Starting at the top left are my parents, Pastor Mike and Barbara. My parents laid the the foundation of the type parent I would eventually become. In our household, which was a Christian one, we learned to question everything, expect and expect nothing but the best, and to love unconditionally. My father was not just a Pastor he also served in the United States Army for 33 years. As my daddy and my first love, he showed me how a man is supposed to treat his wife and family. My mother was a homemaker for many years. She made our house a home. We could always count on her to have a hot meal ready for hunger bellies, a kiss for a boo-boo, a scripture for encouragement or a lap to cry on when needed.

The picture to the right of my parents is of my me and my twin sisters, and the picture next to that one is on me and my then baby brother(my parents later adopted three children). We are the four oldest of my parents children. My sisters and brother were my constant playmates. When my father was sent to a new duty station, I never had to worry about making new friends, I had my siblings. My sisters were my best-friends. My brother is more like a son to me. Not that I am that much older than he. He contracted meningitis shortly after birth and was hospitalized for several weeks. My mother tells me from the time she brought him home, from the hospital I made it my personal duty to take care of him.

The picture in the middle is me. To the left of me is my grandmother Ernell, and to the right is my great-grandmother Frances. These two women were the best cooks I know. I remember visiting their homes when I was little and being able to help them in the kitchen. At each home I had my personal apron. They taught how to plant a garden, can fruits and vegetables and how to make the best biscuits. However, the most important lesson that I learned from them is the value and importance of prayer. They would pray for hours on end. I would try to stay up with them as they prayed, always falling short. They are no longer with me here on earth, but I have a bible from each of them and I carry their mantle prayer.

The last two pictures are of my favorite aunts, Kandee and Gwen, my dad's sisters. They were my babysitters, my big sisters, my confidants and they would run interference with my parents. They were the ones that convinced my dad to let me start dating. They were there for my first date, coached me on my first job interview and purchased my prom dress and accessories. I learned from them the importance of honesty and being a person of your word. As they would often stick their necks out on the line for me. They would always say. "Don't break our trust. Do what you say, be where you are suppose to be."

As I am now a wife and a mother, I carry the lessons I have learned from my family. Hoping to impart to my children half of what was given to me.

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