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  • Nicole Avery


For a few brief years a dear friend of my family fostered at risk children. She and her husband cared for children which had experience some of life’s worst hardships. One such, child came from a home where she experienced physical, mental and emotional abuse. She was often deprived of necessities such as food and clothing. Having had the opportunity to share a meal with my friend’s family, I noticed that child would never finish a meal in its entirety. She would always eat less than half, saving the other haver for later. She continues this even now, as an adult. Always wanting to have something to eat later, even though food is plentiful. Proving that the effects of childhood trauma lasts into adulthood.

According to “Feeding America”, in 2018, 14.3 million American homes are food insecure (Hunger in America is growing, 2020). Since the onset of COVID-19, more than 54 million people may experience food insecurity of that number 18 million are children (2020). Households with children are more likely to experience food insecurities, despite this fact they still may not qualify for federal nutrition programs (Hunger in America is growing, 2020).

In the United States African American households hunger rate is more than two times that of white, non-Hispanic households (Agnew, 2017). African American households have significantly lower household incomes than white, non-Hispanic households (2017). In my state, South Carolina, the total number of children who are food insecure is 292,840 or 28% (America, 2018). The average household in South Carolina receiving food snaps had a gross monthly income of $652, less than the national average (America, 2018).

Hunger not only effects the child physically, it also affects their cognition (America, 2018). Children who experience chronic hunger may develop learning disabilities (America, 2018). A hungry child can not focus and may have other health issues that cause them to miss a lot of school (2018). Hunger could also affect their sociability because children experiencing hunger often feel embarrassed and ashamed, which can isolate them causing them stress and anxiety (2018). The effects of child hunger can spill over in all developmental domains.

Works Cited

Agnew, A. (2017, July 21). The Effects of Hunger on Children. Healthfully.

America, F. (2018, June 30). Facts About Hunger in South Carolina. PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring.

Hunger in America is growing. Feeding America.

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